Monday, May 18, 2015


A king's arrival is never silent....

Godzilla is finally here and we waited for a long time and it was AWESOMETACULER totally STOOKY so without further ado i bring you the review....


A waste of Brian Cranston and i really do mean that when i say it *SPOILER ALERT SPOILERS UP AHEAD* OK there's he is, his wife dies, his son finds him, they get arrested, a monster attacks, Brian Cranston dies THE END

Godzilla can not sneak up on monsters and kill them there is just no way i mean if he cause's a tsunami getting out of the water then how the heck can he sneak up on a monster IN THE WATER and kill them. N to the O on that.


 CGI great

Acting great

Actors great

Title great


hope you enjoyed this review and if you like this blog comment or start following!!

Avenger's age of ultron (2015)

Avenger's Age of ultron a thing of beauty and yet it still has it's flaw's or at least the flaw's i have with it because the flaw's i think it has aren't the flaw's that are real because they are my flaw's because I'm human and humans aren't perfect so uh um well that was a earful but onto the review.....


Lot's of CGI most of it was well kept but the Iron legion's were so CGI they looked glitchey.

Some part's were left out and you were like "Were did Thor go, why did such and such get mad, why did they leave such and such out Etc Etc..


The storyline was well and the battle sequences were AWESOMETACULER awesome+spectacular= awsometaculer....

*SPOILERS* I THINK. The Vision was freaking awesome mean great lines awesome action sequences were even more awesome with him in them and his sun stone was totally RAD and his outfit was cool and [rest of comment deleted]

So that was my review on Avenger's age of ultron hope you liked it!!

Thursday, May 14, 2015

The Hobbit The battle of the five armies (2014)

The Hobbit The battle of the five armies was a piece of junk. Peter Jackson had people spending all there money on a piece of crap.

Well Peter Jackson mastered one thing: Putting CGI and people together and calling it a movie. Though the trailer looks like a thrilling masterpiece, it's all just a cover-up for the awful CGI mad house.

My theory is that he wasted all his creativity on the first two and said: Heck with it I'm just going to throw some charater's and some CGI orcs,goblins,elfs and other stupid stuff that JJ Abrams would use practical props for but then again HECK WITH IT ITS THE BATTLE OF THE FIVE ARMIES!!!!

As the days pass The Hobbit the battle of the five armies is a billion dollar crap-fest that Peter Jackson is proud about and i am sorry for viewers who saw this awful thing that they call a movie and i am also sorry if this was a spoiler-fest for you so go ahead watch the battle of the five armies and see how you fare  as it has left a scar for the rest of your life!!!

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