Avenger's Age of ultron a thing of beauty and yet it still has it's flaw's or at least the flaw's i have with it because the flaw's i think it has aren't the flaw's that are real because they are my flaw's because I'm human and humans aren't perfect so uh um well that was a earful but onto the review.....
Lot's of CGI most of it was well kept but the Iron legion's were so CGI they looked glitchey.
Some part's were left out and you were like "Were did Thor go, why did such and such get mad, why did they leave such and such out Etc Etc..
The storyline was well and the battle sequences were AWESOMETACULER awesome+spectacular= awsometaculer....
*SPOILERS* I THINK. The Vision was freaking awesome mean great lines awesome action sequences were even more awesome with him in them and his sun stone was totally RAD and his outfit was cool and [rest of comment deleted]
So that was my review on Avenger's age of ultron hope you liked it!!
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