Friday, May 6, 2016

Rogue one: A Star Wars story (2016) Trailer review and Movie Hype


So Rogue One has officially had a trailer and well its what you would expect.

It shows you the main antagonist Jen Erso and shows of THE DEATH STAR, and action that is spectacular to watch.

Just to get this out of the way, yes i am aware that Darth Vader will be in this movie and yes i know he's played by Spencer Wilding, so there its over NEXT!!

We get some great diologe, CGI, shot's, etc. AND THERES A LENS FLARE YAY!!

Now there are some stormtrooper varities that are rumoured to be Darth Vader's elite squad.
There are at-at's in the trailer that look totally rad on desert sand.

At the end of the trailer when Forest Whitaker's charecter is talking you can hear Darth Vader's breathing and it send chill's up my spine.

And one more thing that send chill's up my spine is the music, I mean god this music get's your heart racing.

Thank you for joining me on yet another post and down below some of my faverite youtuber's talking about the trailer, enjoy and i will see you next time!!

Chris Stuckmann

New Rockstar's

Mr. Sunday Movie's

Jermey Jhan's

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