Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Star wars Episode 3 Revenge of the sith (2005)

Star wars Revenge of the sith was amazing..For once i liked a prequel movie and this one really paid off for the two crap-fests before this.

But i mean it had some flaws but hey ill list them here and it will be said and done and you will have the whole prequel trilogy of Star wars but without further ado i bring you the review....

The acting could have been a tad bit better and Mustafar was a little over done (Mustafar is the  volcano planet above) Some of the shots looked fake and some of the the scenes you sat thru were just plain out boring and had no depth to them once so ever and overall again like i said was very boring. It was still a good movie and speaking of good....

The CGI was awesome the fights were cool and the last battle on Mustafar was cool and sad because you can feel Obi wans emotion when Anakin turns to the dark side and with losing his master in the Phantom menace. Its like when Harry Potter is like "Serous is the last one in my family" and then he gets killed and Harry is so sad well that's kind of what happened here with Obi wan left with one choice Killing Anakin and restoring balance to the force. That's what i liked about this movie now to the end...

That's my take on this movie i hoped you liked this movie review and remember to comment and start following and stay tuned!!

Movie reviewer
Michael Clayton.

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