Thursday, June 11, 2015

Star wars Episode 4 A new hope (1977)

The starting of it all the one with the force.....

STAR WARS EPISODE IV: A NEW HOPE (Originally it was just Star wars but that changed after the special edition was put into orbit)

Episode iv was spectacular for its time but everything will be put down here in the post so there is no need to hold your breath that im going to miss something because im the star wars EXPERT.....

The special effects were (no offense) awful. When you look at the models that they use you can see there is a shadow on the insides of the wings and the shadows move so you can tell that they were models no CGI. Speaking of CGI the CGI was awful everything that was CGI looked as quick as lightning. Like when the door closes to the room that Han, Luke, Chewbacca, C3-PO, And R2-D2 are in it looks completely FAKE!!

The acting was great and the Death star when you looked at it you thought "THAT THING IS HUGE!!!!!!!" and with the Death star you couldn't tell that it was a model and it looked so real and stunning. This movie was packed with one-liners and the movie had a lot of life and humor and all of that is what made this movie worth it. This movie had lots of emotion in it like for instance when Darth Vader fights Obi wan and Obi wan dies you can feel Luke's hatred since his aunt and uncle died and now Obi wan so Luke is left in a void of confusion and he is afraid will i go to the dark side like Vader wants......

I hoped you liked this review and remember to follow me on my blog and follow me on my blog and on Google+ and make sure to comment see you soon by

Movie reviewer
Michael Clayton

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