Friday, June 5, 2015

The Labyrith (1982)

Watch David Bowie capture a baby and lure a girl into a Labyrinth to meet Frank Oz, Frank Oz, More Frank Oz!!! I mean this was THE Frank Oz show because it was puppet after puppet after puppet!!!

Don't get me wrong it was a really good movie for its time but on to the Cons.....

Every backdrop looks like a painting or wallpaper. The bog of internal stitch really that's the best you could do i mean i could call it something better than that an I'm not even a movie writer!!

For its time this movie was phenomenal,amazing,awesometaculer
i mean BRAVO BRAVO BRAVO and as a bonus i watched this movie two times it was so good!!

i hoped you liked the review and make sure to follow and most definitely comment on what movie you want me to do next!!

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