Thursday, November 19, 2015

Star wars Episode 5 The empire strikes back (1980)

The empire strikes back was
AWESOME i mean just
stunning and WOWING!!!!!!!

 If you have not seen The
empire strikes back then
well you should....

Well lets get straight to it guys...

CON'S: The Tauntans were mediocre (Did you know: The tauntans were stop-motion?) The Wampa was iffy and a little bit to fake not that it was stop-motion but it was just to un-realistic. The AT-AT walkers were kinda well again i have to say it "fake"....Some of the effects were a little bit cheesy

PROS: SPOILERS SPOILERS PLEASE STOP HERE IF YOU HAVE NOT SEEN THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK!!!!!!......Darth Vader is Luke Skywalker's father........I just had to get it out of my mouth onto the Internet.....

There i finally got it out Ive been waiting a long time for this moment...This movie was PACKED with one-liners and humor and thrill for the whole family!!! (Wow i just sounded like a movie commercial) 

The battle of Hoth was amazing and Darth Vader looks better than ever. And i was kinda spoiled on the secret about Darth Vader being Luke's father when i was watching a different film.

I really liked Yoda hes a very chill dude and it kind of reminds me of me. And what i would like to call dream Vader scene (witch is just the scene with not real Vader fighting Luke) was an awesome scene.

This movie was way better than the prequels and if you want to see reviews on them just scroll down and i reviewed all three just for you and others. I hope you liked this review and please comment and stay tuned for more!!!!

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Star wars Episode 4 A new hope (1977)

The starting of it all the one with the force.....

STAR WARS EPISODE IV: A NEW HOPE (Originally it was just Star wars but that changed after the special edition was put into orbit)

Episode iv was spectacular for its time but everything will be put down here in the post so there is no need to hold your breath that im going to miss something because im the star wars EXPERT.....

The special effects were (no offense) awful. When you look at the models that they use you can see there is a shadow on the insides of the wings and the shadows move so you can tell that they were models no CGI. Speaking of CGI the CGI was awful everything that was CGI looked as quick as lightning. Like when the door closes to the room that Han, Luke, Chewbacca, C3-PO, And R2-D2 are in it looks completely FAKE!!

The acting was great and the Death star when you looked at it you thought "THAT THING IS HUGE!!!!!!!" and with the Death star you couldn't tell that it was a model and it looked so real and stunning. This movie was packed with one-liners and the movie had a lot of life and humor and all of that is what made this movie worth it. This movie had lots of emotion in it like for instance when Darth Vader fights Obi wan and Obi wan dies you can feel Luke's hatred since his aunt and uncle died and now Obi wan so Luke is left in a void of confusion and he is afraid will i go to the dark side like Vader wants......

I hoped you liked this review and remember to follow me on my blog and follow me on my blog and on Google+ and make sure to comment see you soon by

Movie reviewer
Michael Clayton

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Star wars Episode 3 Revenge of the sith (2005)

Star wars Revenge of the sith was amazing..For once i liked a prequel movie and this one really paid off for the two crap-fests before this.

But i mean it had some flaws but hey ill list them here and it will be said and done and you will have the whole prequel trilogy of Star wars but without further ado i bring you the review....

The acting could have been a tad bit better and Mustafar was a little over done (Mustafar is the  volcano planet above) Some of the shots looked fake and some of the the scenes you sat thru were just plain out boring and had no depth to them once so ever and overall again like i said was very boring. It was still a good movie and speaking of good....

The CGI was awesome the fights were cool and the last battle on Mustafar was cool and sad because you can feel Obi wans emotion when Anakin turns to the dark side and with losing his master in the Phantom menace. Its like when Harry Potter is like "Serous is the last one in my family" and then he gets killed and Harry is so sad well that's kind of what happened here with Obi wan left with one choice Killing Anakin and restoring balance to the force. That's what i liked about this movie now to the end...

That's my take on this movie i hoped you liked this movie review and remember to comment and start following and stay tuned!!

Movie reviewer
Michael Clayton.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Star wars Episode 2 Attack of the clones (2002)

Attack of the clones wow already reviewing Episode 2 geez  (I'm a serious star wars fan if you didn't know by now)

Well i kind of feel like it was The phantom menace all over again I mean you might say differently and that it was awesome but to me it was another CGI fest called a Star wars movie.

I don't mean to be to harsh on the prequels i mean there still fun to watch as a movie but not as a Star wars movie. It just makes me sad what they did to the saga of awesomeness....YODA QUOTE: Twisted by the dark side George Lucas has become the man that made the Star wars movies gone he is twisted by the CGI side....

CON'S: Acting was terrible ANAKIN QUOTE: I wish i could just wish away my feelings.
Thats a snapshot of Attack of the clones. Jango fett was wasted (like Darth maul)
there were a bunch of references to the phantom menace and well its self explanatory....

PRO'S: The CGI was okay the special effects were pretty cool and the fights were awesome and when the fought Count dooku and Anakin getting his hand cut off was pretty awesome and the ship fights and kaminio was well done and the Obi wan and Jango fett fight was cool and when they fought in the ships it was even better....

I hope you liked my review on this star wars movie remember to follow and comment....

Star wars Episode 1 The phantom menece (1999)

The phantom menace was well kind of well iffy if you want to call it that. It was mixed i mean these are the things that i thought were good: Pod-racing,Darth maul v.s. Qui gon jinn and Obi wan.

I was really disappointed in this movie especially since it was the rising of Jar Jar Bink's. I cried as i finished the spectacular saga because Jar Jar Stinks ruined it for me.

I mean where did George Lucas's talent go or did he turn to the dark side???
As we know it a movie maker that we love could most definitely be a sith lord....

Con's: Jar Jar Bink's was a big bad mistake that George Lucas made and i sure hope he does not return in episode 7 _ _ _  _ _ _ _ _  _ _ _ _ _ _ _  You will have to find out the title in another post....The acting uh it hurts just thinking about it.
Over all it was The battle of the five armies all over again(By the way im talking about the movie the book was awesome) but on to the pros....

I said it up top but i will say it again The pod-racing and the last battle that is all i liked from this movie.

I hoped you liked my review remember to comment and follow see you soon and follow me on Google +

P.S. they should have replaced Jar Jar with Darth maul it would be so awesome...

Friday, June 5, 2015

The Labyrith (1982)

Watch David Bowie capture a baby and lure a girl into a Labyrinth to meet Frank Oz, Frank Oz, More Frank Oz!!! I mean this was THE Frank Oz show because it was puppet after puppet after puppet!!!

Don't get me wrong it was a really good movie for its time but on to the Cons.....

Every backdrop looks like a painting or wallpaper. The bog of internal stitch really that's the best you could do i mean i could call it something better than that an I'm not even a movie writer!!

For its time this movie was phenomenal,amazing,awesometaculer
i mean BRAVO BRAVO BRAVO and as a bonus i watched this movie two times it was so good!!

i hoped you liked the review and make sure to follow and most definitely comment on what movie you want me to do next!!

Monday, May 18, 2015


A king's arrival is never silent....

Godzilla is finally here and we waited for a long time and it was AWESOMETACULER totally STOOKY so without further ado i bring you the review....


A waste of Brian Cranston and i really do mean that when i say it *SPOILER ALERT SPOILERS UP AHEAD* OK there's he is, his wife dies, his son finds him, they get arrested, a monster attacks, Brian Cranston dies THE END

Godzilla can not sneak up on monsters and kill them there is just no way i mean if he cause's a tsunami getting out of the water then how the heck can he sneak up on a monster IN THE WATER and kill them. N to the O on that.


 CGI great

Acting great

Actors great

Title great


hope you enjoyed this review and if you like this blog comment or start following!!

Avenger's age of ultron (2015)

Avenger's Age of ultron a thing of beauty and yet it still has it's flaw's or at least the flaw's i have with it because the flaw's i think it has aren't the flaw's that are real because they are my flaw's because I'm human and humans aren't perfect so uh um well that was a earful but onto the review.....


Lot's of CGI most of it was well kept but the Iron legion's were so CGI they looked glitchey.

Some part's were left out and you were like "Were did Thor go, why did such and such get mad, why did they leave such and such out Etc Etc..


The storyline was well and the battle sequences were AWESOMETACULER awesome+spectacular= awsometaculer....

*SPOILERS* I THINK. The Vision was freaking awesome mean great lines awesome action sequences were even more awesome with him in them and his sun stone was totally RAD and his outfit was cool and [rest of comment deleted]

So that was my review on Avenger's age of ultron hope you liked it!!

Thursday, May 14, 2015

The Hobbit The battle of the five armies (2014)

The Hobbit The battle of the five armies was a piece of junk. Peter Jackson had people spending all there money on a piece of crap.

Well Peter Jackson mastered one thing: Putting CGI and people together and calling it a movie. Though the trailer looks like a thrilling masterpiece, it's all just a cover-up for the awful CGI mad house.

My theory is that he wasted all his creativity on the first two and said: Heck with it I'm just going to throw some charater's and some CGI orcs,goblins,elfs and other stupid stuff that JJ Abrams would use practical props for but then again HECK WITH IT ITS THE BATTLE OF THE FIVE ARMIES!!!!

As the days pass The Hobbit the battle of the five armies is a billion dollar crap-fest that Peter Jackson is proud about and i am sorry for viewers who saw this awful thing that they call a movie and i am also sorry if this was a spoiler-fest for you so go ahead watch the battle of the five armies and see how you fare  as it has left a scar for the rest of your life!!!

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